About Me

Welcome to Gratefully Healthy! 

Hello! I'm Diana. I am a wife, mommy of 2 young spunky but incredibly sweet children, veterinarian by profession, and I am passionate about staying as healthy and fit as I can be. I have always loved to exercise and tried to eat healthy foods. However, I realized several months ago how this wasn't just something I liked, it was something I loved!

I had my two children back to back (almost Irish twins at 13 months apart). So I was pregnant for almost 2 years straight! While I maintained a healthy pregnancy, I slacked on healthy eating habits! After I had my children, going to the gym or a fitness class was near impossible. I am a full time working mother and have about a 45 minute commute to work to get to Louisiana State University's main campus (did I mention I live in the good old southern state of Louisiana??). So how was I going to make getting healthy and fit a priority again? .....And suddenly out of the blue a veterinary classmate of mine invited me to participate in a health and fitness challenge group. I didn't know what to expect, but it was life-changing. Everything I loved about health and nutrition came pouring out of me by participating in this group. It was motivating me daily and well.....it was fun! I reconnected with classmates and appreciated our like-mindedness to get healthy. So I did it, I made time to exercise! I feel so much better. In the process I started cooking more and learned how to prepare healthy, whole, and fresh foods. Clean eating took on a whole new meaning for me. As the saying goes, its about progress not perfection! And as a perfectionist by nature this has been a invaluable lesson. I have made progress, for that I am grateful, and I want you to join me. 
So I was quite inspired to go forth with my previously untapped passion and after much contemplation "Gratefully Healthy" has been born. I want to dedicate this blog to all of you who don't think you can do it! If you have a fully functioning body that moves, be grateful for it! Everyday move it, stretch it, rest it, and fuel it well! I created this blog to be the formation of a unique support system coming together to motivate, inspire, and achieve our health and fitness goals! Let's do this by sharing healthy recipes and fitness tips, motivating one another to meet our goals, and sharing other healthy ideas for staying focused, positive, and accountable. I will share with you some of my favorites recipes, exercises, books, de-stress tips, inspiration, and so much more! 

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