
I strive to live grateful, healthy, and whole. Almost a decade ago my family's life was changed forever by a tragic accident. I saw with this "blink-of-an-eye" accident the loss of one's ability not only to walk, but also the complete loss of physical independence. A loss of being able to chose to move! You do have a choice to be healthy and fit, and you can do it! I thank God everyday I wake up that I am to able to walk, run, exercise, dance, jump, hop, skip, twist, kick. etc.etc! I chose to move my body and take care of it by exercising and eating a healthy balanced diet. Its the only one I got, so I am going to take the best care of it. Don't take a fully functioning body for granted so exercise it, stretch it, rest it, and fuel it well. You will not only be healthy and whole physically, but also mentally and emotionally! Let's work together to create a healthy and fit life because we got a gift to be grateful for! 

Inspirational posts will be a huge theme, if not the main theme of my blog. We all need it from time to time! Check out my post on one of my main inspirations for starting Gratefully Healthy. An Attitude of Gratitude

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